Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Palinode 23

You muscles are suddenly not there. There is nothing to make your body protected from its body-ness, its bold sex.

Bold bone

You know how to act like a human in the bathroom

Too public

The world rankles-narks&nettles/ makes bitter /worsens
Or does it it-s-rapture-of-the-deep

around you all assemblage make-s-language                         maybe

On submission tracks, leaking to

every location, not scrupulous, not trying to carve a particular path

Into the baby’s breath many of the worlds already used will reinvent
themselves, I have been one of them. Why are you so
silent, self?

Hellos too. Much of the same things we say we do when we won’t do them, but that’s just the way people are at it, at the arched fabric, your wedding, your promenade.

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