Sunday, May 06, 2007


Reading some of the palinodes today...

Sunday, May 6th, 4pm sharp!
Robin's Bookstore

108 S. 13th St., Philadelphia

Jocelyn Saidenberg
Frank Sherlock
Hailey Higdon
Will Esposito


Goofball said...

I hope this reading was well received, and that it started a poetic revolution. No, just kidding. I don't believe in that crap. All revolution is reactionary, cause it doesn't have the time to make up new shit at its feverish pace.
So I only hoped it was a step forward in personal and collective poetic evolution. I am desperately in need of such a step right now, which is why I haven't posted anything in a while.

Your friend,

Where in the World is Karla said...

This is a great post, thanks for sharing it