Thursday, January 25, 2007

Palinode Project: Book One

I will be posting more poems soon, but in the meantime, chew on this:

I will be releasing a chapbook of the first 15 palinodes. It will be a small release, only about 150 copies and selling for $3 each. I know, I know, it's hard to put a price on something you can get for free on the internet, but there are a few differences. Nicole Donnelly has done lovely cover art for the chapbook and will hopefully continue to work with me more. Also, the chapbook will include a few sparse edits to the original work, making me not cringe as much when I look back on the earlier palinodes. Finally, the books will be hand sewn! Yes, by my very hand! While I'm at work! I'll post more info once the book is all printed and sewn. Keep it real.


1 comment:

palinode said...

I'll take one.