we do speak too much too much hello
muffled air vents
WANT to pick up stuff walk out WANT to be outside hating outside
Take us apart. Us from our bodies. Us, our bodies.
I try not to {pause} you people.
Your muscles are suddenly there.
where the place is /or/ where the place is
I don’t care, we are coeval & endure the same seam.
Those are the corners and those are
the chairs that go in the corners I don’t
wait for them I am bored by them why
are there so many why do they flock like stupid birds
You think You know what You look like
Then tell me
Or god
Please flood it all again
Tell them what I see ahead:
We are only buying
It is all we do
We are making munching sounds
Coins in pockets--
Buy it, be it yours trade it like an ivory horn, sound it, your silly oliphant.
We are happy over here.